nsuchaud – insights that matters

Le VRM de plus en plus proche du social CRM

A l’occasion de l’arrivée de l’été et d’un court instant de pause, je vous propose de creuser un sujet qui est encore peu vu sur le web et peu exploité par les entreprises.

Après plusieurs échanges avec des spécialistes des datas, une réflexion sur le sujet que j’ai abordé avec eux est une nouvelle vision de la relation client. La restauration de la confiance et de la fidélité devenant un des enjeux majeurs des marques et des entreprises. Face à ça le respect des individus et de leur données devenant un point crucial, une nouvelle approche a été développé depuis plusieurs années. Cette approche formalisé en 2006 par le chercheur Américain Doc Searls proposait le concept de VRM (Vendor relationship Management) un concept à mi-chemin entre la relation client, et l’usage des données personnels.

CRM - VRM -  Experience

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Datatainment to serve TV channels


Very interesting contribution that I made alongside researcher of the Orange labs about Entertainment, Social TV and Big Data opportunity.

Innovation is always unexpected. Most often, it stems from an expected point of origin. Let us consider television for example: social interaction is one of its main features since its creation, more than fifty years ago. This screen was conceived as an entertainment device but also as something that would gather up people in a single room for a friendly interaction moment.

However, the evolution of the digital environment over the last few years was a complete game-changer. Thanks to newly developed tools and devices, such as smartphones, we acquire new senses. These senses allow us to multiply ourselves in time and space. This is how the concept of the Augmented Man was born. In just a few years, these augmented men have moved from a society of information to a society of recommendation. These technological and social transformations could very well alter the entire ecosystem.

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The Technology Behind Unnumbered Sparks


Learn about the technology behind Unnumbered Sparks, a monumental interactive sculpture in Vancouver, Canada created by artists Janet Echelman and Aaron Koblin for TED’s 30th anniversary. Choreographed by visitors in real time through their mobile devices, at night, the sculpture becomes a crowd-controlled visual artwork on a giant, floating canvas powered by Google.